Trading Alerts

Trade Alerts for binary options is a tool that delivers insights of the market for research purposes only.

It gives you the following information:

  • The referred asset
  • Current Direction of the asset: HIGH or LOW
  • The assumed expiry rate

Traders can use this information in order to educate themselves on possible investments, or can incorporate the alerts into their own technical analysis and studies (for example: RSI,MACD and etc.)


*The content and/or the sending of the Trading Alerts/Trading Signals does not constitute financial or investment advice and shall not be interpreted that way by investors.

This analysis is produced by Autochartist, a third party company providing their financial analysis and algorithm trading (being the process of using computers programmed to follow a defined set of instructions and is for information and research purposes only.

The decision to act on any “Trading Alert” is yours and taken at your own risk and responsibility.

Alpha Trade Financials does not influence or have any control in formulating the information contained therein.

The Trading Alerts represent the assessment of “Autochartist” ; are of a general nature and do not take into consideration individual reader personal circumstance, investment experience or current financial situations.

Alpha Trade Financials does not endorse the content of the Trading Alerts or the use of “Autochartist services. Therefore, Alpha Trade Financials shall not accept any responsibility for the use of the above mentioned service and all related content – Trading Alerts, Videos and / or any other content provided by “Autochartist”


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